Summary: (Note: NTV in Japan produced a live-action version of Grave of the Fireflies, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. The movie aired on November 1, 2005. Like the anime, the live-action version of Grave of the Fireflies focuses on two siblings struggling to survive the final days of the war in Kobe, Japan. Unlike the animated version, it tells the story from the point of view of their cousin (the aunt’s daughter) and deals with the issue of how the war-time environment could change a kind lady into a hard-hearted woman. It stars Nanako Matsushima as the aunt, as well as Inoue Mao as their cousin. The movie is approximately 2 hours and 28 minutes long.) Nanako Matsushima plays Hisako, who loses her home in Tokyo to Allied bombing. With her husband fighting somewhere in Asia, she and her two children evacuate to a suburb of Kobe, where they share a house with Hisako’s cousin, Kyoko. However, the area where they are staying is also bombed, and Kyoko is killed. Hisako is forced to take care of Kyoko’s two children in addition to her own, but there is not enough food for everyone. In the end, to save her own children, Hisako allows the other two to die of starvation.
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